Join our journey! I’m Traci, a wife, mother of three, and a teacher. I count my blessings everyday. I have an amazing family, we live in an amazing home in a great community, I get to teach at a school I love with my two daughters. I also have the best teammate for life, my husband, Yanik. Life is pretty awesome and I am learning why!

After moving home to Michigan from Florida in March 2020 (trust me, God had a plan!) a new church in our area was starting. Agape City was in the works and I was ready to check it out. We were never a church family, so this was new. Que the supportive husband (who followed me from Florida to Michigan) and we started going to all of the pre-launch events. Agape City officially launched, I bought my first bible, started taking notes, and finally handed my life over to Jesus Christ in May 2023. God keep showing up and showing out in my life and all the praise and glory goes to Him.

So what does this have to do with being debt free? Our church offered Financial Peace University and God lined everything up so Yanik and I could take the nine session class together. Now, I knew the baby steps and was QUEEN of baby step 1. I have accomplished that $1,000 emergency fund many times! This time Yanik was on board and by the end of the nine weeks, we were all in!

We are starting this debt free journey with $35,000 to pay off on our full house of new windows, and a lovely new (yes, for real new) mini van with $54,000 plus interest. God let us make a few purchases before getting us to the class. I don’t regret either purchase, it just makes our journey. I’m also scared of my kids missing out on anything! They are great kids and deserve to be spoiled. I am learning to not fear (I think that was in a special book a few times) and know they will enjoy all of the creative time we spend together and thank us in the future.

I am learning a lot! I’m learning the power of no. I’m learning to dream big. I’m learning that my kids are always watching and listening (especially when Dave Ramsey calls something stupid on his radio show). We’re not perfect, we slip up. But we have a vision. Follow us on our journey! Hopefully we can be your support, motivation, or maybe even teacher! Pretty soon you’ll hear us scream, “WE’RE DEBT FREE!”

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